Litchfield County Housing Needs Assessment Tool

To help communities understand and address challenges related to housing affordability, the Litchfield County Center for Housing Opportunity and Regional Plan Association offer data and analysis on housing, incomes, and affordability.

Housing plays a central role in Litchfield County’s economic vitality and quality of life. We all benefit when our Main Street businesses, banks, schools, farms, town halls, daycare and healthcare providers - all our employers - have the workforce they need to survive and thrive.

They can’t do this without the housing options that are affordable and available to their workforce. We also all benefit when our seniors have downsizing options, young families can afford their first home, and our volunteer fire and ambulance services have the volunteers they need. We know how to create these housing options in Litchfield County and have many local success stories we can point to. We can create housing opportunity that preserves and enhances the small-town quality of life so many of us enjoy.

The Litchfield County Center for Housing Opportunity (LCCHO) supports the local housing organizations that are actively working every day to create housing opportunity in their towns. One way we can all support our local housing organizations is to better understand our current housing stock, demographic trends, and housing affordability challenges - and then share this information with our neighbors, elected officials, and land use commissions.

The data and analysis in this tool is presented on Regional Plan Association’s website in an interactive and accessible format. It is intended to help inform discussions around housing needs and solutions in our communities.


Visit RPA’s website and select your town or city from a drop-down menu to view data and analysis on housing, incomes, and affordability. You can see data from your community and from the county as a whole.



This report was produced in partnership with:

Jocelyn Ayer

Jocelyn Ayer has lived and worked in Litchfield County for the last 15 years. Prior to becoming the Director of Litchfield County’s Center for Housing Opportunity, she served as Community and Economic Development Director for the Northwest Hills Council of Governments where she worked with 21 towns in the region to plan and implement their land use, housing, and economic development initiatives. She has worked with 16 municipalities in the region to develop municipal housing plans and provides staff support to the Northwest Connecticut Regional Housing Council. Over the last two decades Jocelyn has been involved in all stages of housing development from planning to construction, financing, and operations.  She has a Master’s degree in Regional Planning from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.


Building Community Support for Affordable Housing: a Toolkit